Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Employment / Jobs

So, you want to get a job in the wonderful world of accounting. Good for you. The field of accounting is one of the safest, strongest and most well-paid. In good times and bad, the world always needs great accountants.

The Big 4 public accounting firms are the best in the industry and a launching pad for an amazing career:

[PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG, Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touché]

The Bad News: Competition for these positions is extremely fierce. With thousands of applicants submitting resumes, yours could easily get lost in the shuffle. Also, as a result of the recession, the Big 4 are reducing the number of open positions in 2010.

Even if you are lucky enough to get an interview, you will be in store for the most difficult hiring process in the industry. You will face tricks and traps designed to weed out the majority of candidates.

There is a reason for this: Working for the Big 4 is an amazing way for college grads to launch their career and professionals to re-launch their career on the fast track. The experience is that valuable. Don't believe us? Go to Monster or Craigslist and look at the qualifications for any upper level positions. Most likely you'll see "Big 4 public accounting experience required."

Because of this, the Big 4 are the top job choices for almost everyone. So what makes one person get hired over another? GPA? SATs? Extra-curriculars? While these count, they are not the answer. Sometimes the guy with the 4.0 gets passed over by the guy with a 3.0. Why is this? The answer is knowledge.

The Good News: Wouldn't it be nice if you knew an insider at the Big 4, someone to coach you through the process and reveal all the secrets? What if you could say to them:

"Tell me everything I need to know to get hired with the Big 4. Tell me what I will face, how to prepare, what to look out for and what to say! Teach me the secret to getting hired with the Big 4!"

Think about how much easier it would be and how much more confidence you would have!

Here's the good news: we have done that for you! We have been in your shoes - wondering how we would ever stand out from the crowd, get an interview and get hired. We went to the campus career fairs, meet-and-greets, office visits and interviews. We stood out and joined the ranks of Big 4! Now we want to return the favor and make things easier for you!

Our book reveals all the secrets to getting hired by the Big 4. We have captured everything you need to know to get noticed and get hired by the Big 4 - from the resume to the acceptance letter and everything in between. We will take you behind the scenes of the Big 4 and put you on the fast track to getting hired! We'll share the horror stories of those who weren't so lucky and show you how you can avoid their mistakes.

Why is getting hired with the Big 4 so difficult?

Big 4 recruiters are constantly assaulted with resumes. They are trained to weed out potential candidates with a number of tricks and filters. Without properly understanding these, there is a very good chance that your resume will go right in the shredder.

If you are serious about your career and want to land a job with the Big 4, you need an edge. You need to understand when and how you are being judged and the exact things that you can do and say to fly through the hiring process and avoid the pitfalls!

What you will receive and why it will work?

We have taken our knowledge and boiled it down to a sure-fire process that will take you from getting your foot in the door to signing your acceptance letter.

We will walk you through the process and expose all the secret tricks that the Big 4 will use against you. We will give you summaries and talking points to nail the difficult interview questions you will face. We will give you a crash course on what is happening right now in the accounting world so you will be ready to answer all the difficult interview questions.

If you commit yourself to this process and master the techniques in the eBook, you will be on the fast track to getting hired.

Don’t leave your future to chance!

You wouldn’t take a test without studying, so why not prepare for the job of your dreams. It will be like walking into an exam with the answer key in your pocket!